PhD Positions in advanced robotics and safety verification of human-robot interaction
calendar_month 18 Dec 2013, 00:00
The Doctorate Program SMART-E (Sustainable Manufacturing through Advanced Robotics Training in Europe) at the Technische Universitt Mnchen offers two doctoral positions with focus on advanced robotics and safety verification in human-robot interaction. Technische Universitt Mnchen is one of the top research universities in Europe. The university fosters a strong entrepreneurial spirit and international culture that places it at the forefront of research in a diversity of disciplines.

Starting date: 01 May 2014 (firm due to EU regulations)
Post duration: 3 year position on a doctoral training programme

SMART-E is a Doctoral Training Network, funded by the EU Commission’s FP7 Marie Curie Programme, with the aim to prepare the next generation of leading experts in advanced robotics to secure a sustainable manufacturing sector in Europe. The network involves the collaboration of eight European institutions - the University of Salford, University of Zurich, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italian Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich, FESTO, Airbus and Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre at the University of Sheffield.

The network is bringing together leading experts in the field of embodied intelligence, compliant, soft robotics, advanced manufacturing, industrial robotics and automation, smart materials and machine learning in Europe. You will utilise new technologies (mostly pioneered by SMART-E) in state of the art training environments. The successful candidate will benefit from high quality industrial experience and interdisciplinary projects that are individually tailored.

The research training programme will combine technical expertise acquisition with business & leadership, communication and entrepreneurial skills in order to provide you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle not only the technical challenges, but also to play a key role in embedding/deploying these solutions into practical applications. The researchers will have at least 2 placements outside of their host organisation; this may entail a short stay outside their host country.