calendar_month 03 Dec 2008, 00:00
WIAMIS 2009, will host keynote talks by:
Prof. Andrew Zisserman, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Prof. Fernando Pereira, Instituto Superior Técnico - Instituto de Telecomunicaco es, Lisbon, Portugal
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Multimedia content analysis and understanding
* Content-based browsing, indexing and retrieval of images, video and audio
* 2D/3D feature extraction
* Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for audio and video
* Relevance feedback and learning systems
* Segmentation of objects in 2D/3D image sequences
* Motion analysis and tracking
* Video analysis and event recognition
* Analysis for coding efficiency and increased error resilience
* Analysis and tools for content adaptation
* Multimedia content adaptation tools, transcoding and transmoding
* Content summarization and personalization strategies
* End-to-end quality of service support for Universal Multimedia Access
* Semantic mapping and ontologies
* Multimedia analysis for new and emerging applications
* Multimedia analysis hardware and middleware
* Semantic web and social networks
* Advanced interfaces for content analysis and relevance feedback
Important Dates
Proposal for Special Session: November 21, 2008 (closed)
Paper Submission: December 12, 2008 (DEADLINE EXTENDED)
Notification of Acceptance: February 1, 2009
Camera-ready Papers: February 20, 2009
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